Case Study: Wall Street
Wall Street Nevada, LLC v. Nevada Dept. of Transportation & City of Las Vegas (2012)
From 2003 continuing through 2012, the Nevada Department of Transportation and the City of Las Vegas (collectively the “Government”) developed and implemented “Project Neon” which included the widening and expansion of Interstate 15 and surface streets through the heart of downtown Las Vegas. The Government’s plans and actions showed an overpass bisecting the Wall Street Nevada’s 7+ acre property.
The Law Offices of Kermitt L. Waters was successful in investigating and presenting the facts which substantiated that the Government’s actions amounted to a taking of the Wall Street property by October 2007. The District Court agreed with Wall Street and the Government was forced to pay $25,000,000.00 to purchase the Wall Street property. The Government’s original offer was $0. The Law Offices of Kermitt L. Waters was the first and only firm to establish the Government’s liability for taking private property for Project Neon well in advance of the Government’s filing condemnation actions.