Autumn L. Waters
(702) 733-8877
(702) 731-1964
Autumn L. Waters

Focused exclusively on eminent domain and inverse condemnation, Autumn Waters has worked on dozens of cases in Nevada including partial takings with severance damage, business takings, airspace takings, and government delay for property owners of all types and sizes. She knows, first hand, how government tactics can intimidate landowners facing an eminent domain taking and helps her clients navigate the obstacles to deal with the government on an even footing.

- University of Nevada Las Vegas, B.A., (2000)
- University of Montana at Missoula, J.D., (2003)
Bar Admissions
- Nevada
- Montana
Professional and Community Involvement
Ms. Waters is active in the Clark County, Nevada Bar Association contributing articles for its publications. She is a board member of “Peoples Initiative to Stop the Taking of Our Land” (PISTOL) where she leads efforts creating constitutional and statutory law on behalf of private property owners.
When away from the office, Ms. Waters supports the Nevada Humane Society, Shade Tree, a home for abused and battered women, and Noah’s Arc, a safe home for the animals of battered women. She is also an avid supporter of the American Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals (ASPCA) and Farm Sanctuary.